Who we are, how to contact us,
and where to learn more
Explore resources designed to help you navigate the health care system and support services available in the region.
Explore resources designed to help you support patients and clients.
Learn about our current areas of focus
and supporting initiatives.
We are thrilled to have you and hope you enjoy our new Lanark, Leeds and Grenville website as much as we do.
We are thrilled to announce that the Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Ontario Health Team has a logo!
The Ministry of Health introduced Ontario Health Teams to build a connected health care system centered around patients, families and caregivers. By working together, Ontario Health Teams will strengthen local services, making it easier for patients to navigate the system and transition between providers.
We respectfully acknowledge that the region we serve is situated on the traditional, unceded territory of the Algnosauonquin Anishnaabeg, Haudenee, Mississauga, Odondaga, and Wendake Nionwentsio Nations.
We recognize that we live, work and play on lands that are inhabited by Indigenous, Métis and Inuit Peoples.
© Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Ontario Health Team | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Website: McGill Buckley powered by QuickSilk
The Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Ontario Health Team is supported by funding from the Government of Ontario